Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My Family

I am trying to become a work at home mom. I have three beautiful daughters aged 16, 8 and 3 months. Yep, that starts to explain how our life is crazy! I have a fantastic husband that puts up with all of us females and believe it or not, is not as crazy as the rest of us! We currently live with one of my sisters and her two daughters aged 5 and 2. Still wondering how hubby is not so crazy? lol-I think he is getting there!

I started this blog mainly for product reviews. I am very opinionated and I want someone to listen to what I have to say! If something is good, the whole world needs to know! Bad? Yep, they need to know that as well! If you have a product that you would like for me to  , my e-mail address is thisisourcrazylife@yahoo.com

My main passions are my family first and foremost, couponing/saving money and contests! I LOVE to enter contests! I win fairly often as well! Nothing major, small stuff here and there, I'm still waiting on the HGTV people to come to my door to inform me I won that house! That's really ok though, I jump for joy winning the smallest of the small prizes as well!

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